HUL Fact File and Brands

Written by Angshu on 6:36 AM

HUL Fact File

“To earn the love and respect of India, by making real difference to every Indian.”
“Our mission is to add Vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.”
Gross Turnover (2007-08)
Rs. 14938 Crore
Profit After Tax (2007-08)
Rs. 1769 Crore
Number of Employees
Harish Manwani
Mumbai, India
(Source: Company Website and Wikipedia)


HUL is the proud owner of around 35 major Indian brands. HUL has divided its products into following categories: Home and Personal Care, Food and Water Purifier.
In the ‘Home and Personal care’ category HUL has maximum number of brands. It is again subdivided into eight sub-categories: 

The individual brands within these sub-categories are listed next.

The ‘Food’ port folio of the company comprises of following brands:

HUL has launched a website named where along with HUL products in the food segment they also provide a lot of cooking tips, recipes and other related information. HUL has launched ‘Pureit’ as a brand in the water purifier segment.

[To Be Continued...]

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